Wednesday, 9 April 2014

Social Media Goverance

It's easy to say that the use of Social Media has absolutely exploded as a means for business to market and sell products and services.  Although paid media like television, radio and print Ad's are still considered the strongest and most used forms of advertising, marketing through digital platforms is the way of the future.  Deciding on using social media platforms to do some marketing?  That's great, but its important to ensure that the proper precautions are taken in when doing so.  Social media governance are policies and strategies to help you manage your social media marketing but also your presence online and the image you want portrayed to individuals.

Below are some key guidelines to consider when thinking about implementing a social media policy. 

  • Define the scope of your social media
  • Guidelines for monitoring and posting
  • Branding guidelines
  • Training and educations
  • Contingency plans
The above are a few things to consider when creating a social media policy.  It is important that the digital platforms being used are well researched.  Different platforms have different rules governing what can and cannot be posted, the differing user bases may take certain messages with a different tone as well. Social Media Today has a great guide in getting in aiding individuals in creating a policy. Social Media Governance provides many examples of governance polices, one can find resources to guidelines created for blogs to online forums.  No matter the size of the business this is best practices for all organizations, whether that be sales or service based.  A negative post online is going to stand out much more than a positive one, that's why its important that the above mentioned guidelines are in place. 

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