Sunday, 13 April 2014

Ingredients for an Effective Website

When creating an online website for your business it extremely important that your page is able to effectively communicate your message. Your website is going to be central to all your online activities, even when using social media the end game usually involves getting users to your website.  When creating a website it's important that it is simple to use yet visually appealing at the same time.  The best approach when creating a website is to view it from the customer's perspective. Below is a basic model for consumer behavior that can aid in how consumers think.

  Your website should do one of many things it should aim to establish your brands identity and expectations.  You should be constantly seeking to inform and educate your customers, this will keep them engaged and re-visiting your site.

When creating your website search engine optimization (SEO) should always be kept in mind .  Your website should be built so that it has the greatest chance of being an organic search result if a customer is looking for your page.  Some important things to avoid when building a web page are to avoid lists of keywords that attempt to cloak pages.  Its important that text headings and keywords are unique and to the point. Search engines always look for specific keywords so more is essentially not better. Linking your website to other pages that are relevant to your content will also greatly help your search results.  Here is a great link into the basics of SEO and how to implement these tactics a little to no cost.  There is a ton of information \online relating to website design and search engine optimization.  Any one of these guides can help create a good website given the fundamentals mentioned in this blog are kept in mind.


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