Sunday, 13 April 2014

Real-Time Marketing

Big brands are changing the way they market and advertise online.  With social media, content can be posted quickly to users and on a massive scale.  These s online impressions can create massive value in earned media. Content that goes viral or becomes newsworthy can gain massive free exposure through paid media sources.  Dove's on going campaign for Real Beauty has been generated millions in earned media with an annual budget much smaller than that.  There advertisements were consistently talked about on radio stations across North American and Europe and even on talk shows Ellen and Good Morning America.

 Marketers are always looking for ways to make the greatest impressions when posting content online, real-time  marketing is just as it sounds promoting in real time.  Sometimes timing can be the difference between success and failure and real-time marketing looks to capitalize on perfect timing.

When a power outage occurred during the 2009 Super Bowl Oreo posted the above advertisement on Twitter and as you can see by the numbers it was a huge success and made an ever lasting impression. Here is a great article on other companies who got the marketing timed perfectly. Recent survey's showed that 76% of marketers are now using real-time tactics, although only 44% of companies are including these tactics within their budgets.  Below is a great info-graphic I came across ( I love info-graphics!) that shows the effectiveness of real-time marketing and why more companies should be utilizing this strategy.

For any business that is looking to expand there marketing scope real-time advertising will ensure that their timing is always perfect. Let me know what you think below!


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